The Pondering in the Paradox

Good morning!

This week I wanted to do something different. Now, now… different can be good! I put together several phrases inspired by the biblical texts to get you thinking. Some of these are paradoxes[1], while others state biblical truths side by side. These phrases are to get you meditating – to reflect and think regarding what they mean to YOU. Here are some questions as you read through them and meditate on the corresponding verses according to each one:

  • Which of these phrases stands out to me? Why?
  • Is there a challenge, encouragement, or action that God is calling me to with one or a few of these phrases?

Don’t let the brevity of this week’s blog fool you – short is not just sweet, but can be powerful too! Spend that precious time this week with the Holy Spirit sitting with the phrases below with the questions above. May the Lord continue to guide you and reveal to you more of who He is as you seek more of Him.

We are called to be faithful with what we have, And we are encouraged to ask for more. {Luke 16:10; Matthew 7:7}

You are strong when you are weak because of Christ’s power within you, giving Him the glory. At the same time, He has given you specific spiritual gifts to excel in to display the might of God. {2 Corinthians 12:9-10; 1 Corinthians 12}

God is never changing yet unpredictable in how works out His plan for our lives. {Malachi 3:6; 1 Corinthians 12:11}

I am at my best when I am the most dependent on the love of God. I am at my worst when my self-sufficiency takes control, not giving God the honor or priority in my life. {John 15:1-17;1 John 4:16-18; 2 Corinthians 3:4-5}

The Lord is not looking at what we can do for Him, but who is willing to love Him. {Romans 5:8; 2 Chronicles 16:9; 1 Chronicles 28:9}

Trials are a blessing – it’s only on this side of life we can choose to worship God through the storms, the sadness, and the uncertain situations. {James 1:2-4; Acts 16:16-40}

Obedience is better than sacrifice – it’s more important to obey God’s commands than it is to please people. {1 Samuel 15:22}

Demons have more faith than atheist, at least they believe… and tremble! {James 2:19}

God resists the proud – for the prideful give themselves the credit God desires and beware… pride comes before the fall! {James 4:6; Proverbs 16:18}

We are called to rest for Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light. Therefore, if we are feeling burnt out, we are carrying a different yoke… the yoke of the world or of our own expectations. {Matthew 11:28-29}

It is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom… tell me, what do you believe is the end of wisdom? {Proverbs 9:10}

Have a blessed week!

[1] A paradox is not a contradiction, but two truths seemingly conflicted but turn out to be well-founded or true.



    • Elaine, Many times, doing the right thing is obedience, but not if hearts are not in the right place. My ‘ ‘ around the right things alluded to King Saul’s disobedience. He sacrificed the offerings thinking he was doing the right thing but God told him to wait instead. He wanted to please the people rather than God. How this would translate to us today is if we are willing to do the ‘right things’ because people are watching or wanting us to (giving money, getting involved in a particular ministry, etc.) rather than if God is calling us to do that in that time.
      I agree with your assessment of wisdom… we sure do need it every day! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very interesting, I have learned that through the storm, it is easy to call on God for help and guidance. But when all is well we tent to become more self reliant. That is a dangerous place to be, trusting in self is the end of wisdom. It leads to arrogance, recklessness, and pride. I have been fortunate enough to fell the wrath of God early on, in those times, that they dont last long. All is going well and in a blink of an eye you wish you were never born. I find it to be a good thing, a way to keep me centered and focused on God. He is our loving Father, and as a Father, He nows His children know not what they do. So a little discipline goes a long way. What does the bible say, “spare the rod, spoil the child.” No one likes a spoid child, they are self-centered and can’t see the big picture infront of them. God loves when we comunicate with Him and trust in Him. As simple as that is we tend to go astray all too often. The passage on it is better to be obedient towards God than do right is definitely a head scratcher. I don’t fully understand those words but I’m sure when the time is right I will understand them fully. Thanks for the wonderful blog and your dedication to sharing God’s word.

    • Thank you Toni for your insight into what I wrote. As you mentioned, it’s fascinating that we have to guard our hearts against wondering from the Lord when the times are good, don’t we? That’s why it’s important to realign our thinking and remind ourselves of God’s goodness in our lives. I have also found that fasting helps bring me back to this place since it is a voluntary restraint on food that leads me to trust in God in a similar way if I was leaning on Him through the storm, where my circumstances are beyond my control. In the context of obedience > sacrifice, King Saul wanted to please the people by offering sacrifices rather than being obedient. He would rather look good in front of men, rather than wait on God’s timing. Thank you for your encouragement!

      • Fasting really is a good discipline. Did you know when we fast and eat again after out fast, our body’s are starving for the nutrients. When we over indulge those nutrients are often neglected by the body because it does not recogniz the need for them. So after your fast reward your body with food that heals. Fast food and junk is even worse after a fast, so avoid that at all costs.

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