The Mountain

Imagine this: 

You’re sitting near the top of a mountain. The air is fresh, and a cool breeze blows through the trees. As you look into the distance, the scenery is breathtaking – such beauty as far as the eye can see! You remind yourself that the trek it took to climb up the mountain, through all the switchbacks and slippery gravel over the years, was well worth it. 

After enjoying the view for some time, you notice something in the distance when the clouds begin to move – it’s another mountain! This one is bigger and steeper, which would make it an arduous journey. While pondering the magnitude of this mountain, you hear a voice tell you, “It’s time for you to climb up this mountain.” It’s the Holy Spirit assuring you with confidence and excitement. As you start to wonder how it is possible to get to the top of the other mountain, immediately, as if the Holy Spirit already knew, says, “the only way up is to go down.” You know what you must do – it’s time to climb down the mountain you are on to get to where God is leading you. 

The journey downward doesn’t take much time. In fact, it is quite enjoyable as you revisit several significant pieces of scenery along the way. You are reminded of where you have been and how God has come through. These scenic memorials fuel you to keep moving forward. 

Once down the mountain, there’s the sudden realization that you don’t have the vantage point you once had. While you could see the other mountain in the distance, all you see in front of you now is a dry and barren valley. All you know is the direction you are supposed to go, but all you can see is desert. 

The environment of the desert is much different than that on top of the mountain. You feel the heat of the sun beat upon you as you keep walking. Shortly after you begin, your mouth is already parched, and you’re getting hungry and tired. “Where’s the shade the trees provided? What happened to the lush landscape and the cool breeze?” Each step is getting heavier as you’re getting wearier in your journey. You’re unsure if you can make it because you don’t see the mountain in sight. 

This scenario is a picture word for those who are experiencing a time of transition. God is calling many of His children out of their comfort of victories previously won. Instead, He is inviting you up to a new mountain – one that draws you nearer to the Lord than ever before, with a more significant impact for His Kingdom.  

Yet to get to the mountain, you’ll need to cross through the valley. 

In listening to the Lord, I hear Him say to you: 

“I have great plans for you, but you must trust me to the place that I am calling you to. The mountain I have for you is a place with greater influence and anointing. Do not be afraid of the wilderness, for this is where the refining takes place so you can handle the stressors of the next season. It’s time to let go of anything that impedes your progress to getting to the mountain! Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am with you1; there is no need to fear. Shadows cannot kill; they only instill fear, creating a bigger illusion than what it truly is. Remember, My Presence is with you, and it is My love that casts out all fear.2 You do not need to worry, for the valley is not a dwelling place – it is meant as a means to get you to the mountain. Therefore, trust the process you are currently in, for I am doing a glorious work in and through you. Walk with confidence through the valley, for I will never leave you. The desert you are in will prepare you for what I have next for you.”

I encourage you to sit with this word and pray to see if it is relevant to where you are and what you are going through. If you are in a place of transition, remember, it is temporary, not a final resting place. God will give you the strength to endure since He has already given you the vision of what He has for you. May the Lord be nearer to you than ever before as you trek through the desert to the mountain. 

God bless you in Jesus’ Name, 

Pastor Nathan 

1 Psalm 23:4

2 1 John 4:18


  1. Life is a constant transition of mountains, desert, rivers, oceans….I am in constant prayer for His strength, wisdom, perseverance, guidance…and THANKS.

  2. Amen amen. Hallelujah. Need this so much. Thankyou so much Christ Jesus. Haleluyah
    Thankyou Pastor Nathan. God bless you abudantly. Amen

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