A few months ago, I was in prayer for the prayer meeting (Yes, we should even be praying for this!) and the Lord gave me a vision. What I saw was a man standing in the middle of the desert. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but sand in every direction. Intuitively, the man knew he needed to find water in order to live. Instead of walking in a random direction to hopefully come across an oasis, he was instructed by the Lord to dig where he stood. I then saw the man waist deep in a pit that he dug in the sand with a shovel eager, to find the water that would well up from underground.
There can be areas of dryness in our personal lives, in our ministry, or even in our churches. It can be tempting to go look for the blessing that we are longing for elsewhere. Here’s the problem: You don’t know where you are going. Unless the Holy Spirit is leading you to go, then you should stay to in order to grow. It is easy to have the ‘grass is greener on the other side’ mentality, especially when life is difficult – we can long for what we don’t yet have. But, what if we walk off and think we see in the distance the oasis we’ve been so desperate for? Especially for those who have wandered so far and so long – a glimpse of water is reinvigorating to the soul! (Sadly, a person wandering without the Lord’s prompting will not find what they really need – the life-giving Spirit to quench their thirst – is right where they are). What was ahead – the new, the adventurous, that one ‘thing’ which will resuscitate your faith, has been simply a mirage.
The mirage happens when we fixate our eyes to an external resolution instead of a godly solution. It may seem easier to avoid a conflict you have with a person by not walking past him or her in the hallway or start going to another church. Yet we are called to forgive others as Christ forgave us (Ephesians 4:32). Your willingness to work through the situation can prevent bitterness from creeping in and healing to begin in your heart as well as those you are in conflict with.
That is why my encouragement to you is to KEEP DIGGING. Despite the obstacles that you face, don’t give up! 1 Corinthians 15:57 states that we can thank God because, “He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
You may be thinking right now, “I don’t feel victorious. I take a look at my finances, my family situation, my shattered dreams, and I feel defeated. I don’t see the victory.”
Just because you don’t see the victory today, doesn’t mean you cannot have it tomorrow! Also… what makes you think victory doesn’t need to be fought for? In any battle, there is a winner and a loser. Thank the Lord that Jesus has given us the victory! “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life” (2 Peter 1:3). Therefore, if we are yielded to God, we can resist the enemy and he will flee (James 4:7). We have an advantage in the fight, but we must be willing to fight with the weapons He has entrusted us to use such as prayer, the Word, the gifts and fruit of the Spirit, and each other. We have so much that we don’t fight for the victory, but from victory.
Keep digging for the victory is coming!
Keep digging… even when the pain is constant and the heartache is fresh. Your healing will be coming soon.
Keep digging… waking up earlier to spend time with the Lord in the Word to start your day right.
Keep digging… past the negative and critical thoughts reminding yourself who you are in Christ and that He has a plan for you.
The saddest words I could hear someone say after they spent time digging would be the words: “I… give… up.” This would be so devastating. For what happens if you were 2 scoops away from hitting
I don’t know how much time it will take or how many scoops to dig, but I know that there is water underneath. This is the Living Water that will refresh you, reinvigorate you, and revive you. Once you find the water, all the digging will have been worth it, since the water rises up to become a well. A well for all who are thirsty to come and drink, including yourself.
What areas of your life are you feeling restless, dry, and defeated? Are you willing to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying about this area and to dig deeper into the plans and promises of God? I hope so, for I know that fighting through the victory that Christ gave us, you’ll be living a life He wants most for you: A life that is abundant and to the full.

Just what I needed today! Thank you Pastor Nathan!!! Wishing you a blessed day.
P.S. I am passing this message to my peeps. 🙂
Good morning Meiwah! What a blessing that the Lord used this to speak to you. Thanks for sharing! I hope your friends are blessed by this as well.
Great message for the first day of lent. I have been thinking “get your own house in order.” It’s something I can do without traveling any further. We have been blessed with so much but when your unaware of all your blessing because of disorder it can feel more like a curse. If I dig where I am and rely on what I already have as I get my own house in order. It can be a victory, a blessing and a way to find peace. Jesus went though so much during these 40 days and He is my inspiration to get my house in order to be ready for His return.
Well said Toni! What a rich awareness the Lord has given you regarding your blessings. May God give you His peace as you use these 40 days to draw closer to Jesus.
Great blog post. Emory and read it together. Persistence is the key to growing in Jesus.
How wonderful that you & Emory read it together!
Yes, persistence is key. It reminds me of Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Let’s keep digging in what God has for us!
Nathan, I enjoyed your message. I know when I’m running or biking or just trying to get through a rough day, praying and asking God to keep me going always helps me finish .
Thank you.
A wonderful example of how to incorporate our relationship with God during the normalcy of our day, such as working out. May our God continue to give you what you need Linda!
Wow, this so answers my prayers to God recently. And guess what, I live in the high desert of Arizona. Thank you.
Amen! As we know, no coincidences with God! Thank you for sharing Sandy, blessings to you.
Thanks for the great message, Nathan. So often we bury that pain hoping it would go away but I find this is where God wants me to dig. And when I do, no matter how many blisters I get or how sore are my muscles, when I find the buried thing, it becomes treasure in the redeeming light of Jesus. Bless you!
You are so right Patty. We are called to dig and allow God to expose the pain and bring it to the feet of Jesus. It is not easy, but with the help and power of the Holy Spirit, it can be done. Blessings to you & you family as well!