Executing the Vision – Birthing

I believe that every person has a God-given vision for their life. 

Once you accept Christ Jesus, His vision for your life can be known. 

How do I know that? 

Let me ask you a few questions: 

  • Is our God an intentional God? 
  • Is He a good, loving God? 
  • Is He a God that doesn’t make mistakes? 

Because He is a purposeful God, He has purposes for you. 

While assisting the King in Babylon, Nehemiah heard a report of Jerusalem’s current condition – broken down walls, gates burned, and a people living in disgrace (Nehemiah 1:3). At this moment, a vision burned in Nehemiah’s heart as he wept for the holy city and his people. These were the chosen people – His people – who now live in shame and danger from the surrounding nations. Nehemiah could not let the devastating news of Jerusalem become a fleeting memory; he had to do something. So He ‘prayed before God of Heaven’ (v.4) and asked for the Lord’s favor as Nehemiah knew he would have to bring this up to the king. (v.10). Nehemiah would be the one to lead the charge in building the walls of Jerusalem to protect the people and lift them out of their disgrace.

It’s tempting to dismiss the vision God has given us when we compare it to the grand building project of Nehemiah. Remember, God gave that to Nehemiah. What has God given to you? 

A Godly vision is what God gives to you to shine like ChristIn attitude or through actions, the Lord wants you to live out that vision because that vision goes beyond yourself; it always affects others. A Godly vision points others to Christ. It is… 

  • Holding fast to biblical principles while raising your children, not compromising to the standards of the world. 
  • Pursuing the degree, no matter how difficult it is, to be in the career that God has called you to be in. 
  • Having a heart for the lost – realizing that so many people, even living here in the US, do not know Christ. Therefore, taking a step to be involved in a compassion project, an evangelist ministry, or go on a mission trip. 
  • Seeing a problem in the world and instead of ignoring it, seeking God to say, “what can I do to help?” 
  • Being joyful, primarily through trials, knowing that it is developing endurance, stripping off the flesh, so you can be mature in Christ, not lacking anything (James 1:2-4)
  • Desiring for Christ to be in the center of your marriage. Saying ‘no’ to apathy, but intentionally making decisions to seek God together – in prayer, reading the Word, and making choices that draw each closer to one another. 

As you see, God has something, and I believe, many things, for you. Even if you think you’ve ‘missed it,’ you’re in a transition of life or are retired, a Godly vision goes beyond age and stages of life. (Ask Abraham and Caleb!). 

Take this time to sit with the Lord and reminisce about what God has put in your heart. Allow those feelings to stir of what could be. Do not dismiss the impossible and try to figure out the how; God will reveal that to you later! Instead, begin by asking the Lord, 

 “What is the vision you have for me?” 

Write down the vision (Habakkuk 2:2) and pray into it. The next set of blogs will focus on how to execute the vision that God has for you, your family, your ministry, and so much more. 

God bless you, in Jesus’ Name, 

Pastor Nathan 


  1. Thank you for the reminder that God has a vision for everyone, and to intentionally seek Him to find out about it, and for His affirmation.
    God bless, Pastor Nathan

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