In early August of this year, I had a brief vision the Lord put on my heart to publicly share.
The Vision:
I was sitting in my backyard on my swing set when an image came before me. Immediately, I saw a picture of a tree. I could not tell what type of tree it was since its focus was on its roots. The roots had dug deep and were spread out, which I could see beneath the dirt. Within the sediment were two large rocks, one on the right and one to the left. Suddenly, the tree’s roots did a most unnatural thing – they started clustering together. The roots bundled together as two primary roots – one on the right and one on the left. It was at this time the roots turned inward, each grasping around one of the two rocks. Once each root was firmly secured around its respective rock, I heard the phrase, “A storm is coming.” That is the end of what I saw and heard.
The Interpretation:
It’s necessary to break down any dream or vision by its parts as they can metaphorically represent what the Holy Spirit is communicating. Here are the main components of the vision:
- The tree – The last public vision I had was also a tree which was shaken to its core (See: “Shaken”). It represented the Christian church, as a whole, during this current ‘shaking’ we are in. As a result, the shaking was necessary to destroy the restrictive growth (the cement) to allow God to plant a seed for new development (the seeds falling from the tree). In this vision, I see the tree representing individual Christ-followers, more than the church itself. While the vision can be communicated corporately, it speaks of an individual’s relationship with the Lord and how to respond to the storm.[1]
- The roots – Roots absorb and carry water and minerals from the soil to the rest of the tree. Roots also anchor the section of the tree that is above ground. If our ‘roots’ are firmly planted and “established in love,” that is, in Christ, (Ephesians 3:17) we will be nourished and steadfast since we remain in Him (John 15:4-10). We will also be strong enough to handle the elements above ground because our roots in Christ secure us.
- The rocks – Rocks typically symbolize strength and security. In Scripture, we note that our God is the Rock (Deuteronomy 32:4), Christ is the Cornerstone (Matthew 21:42; Acts 4:11), and He is the foundation in which the church is built upon (Matthew 16:18; 1 Peter 2:5). The roots wrapping around the rocks reveal the importance of securing oneself upon the rock, which is imperative to the tree’s vitality and durability.
- “A storm is coming” – A phrase indicating the external pressures or ‘winds’ that will come upon the tree. This is what will come.
The Application:
The nature of the phrase leads me to believe that it is a word concerning the near future. After seeking the Lord and praying through our nation and the divisive politics that continuously plague us, I received this vision. While I do not know the exact timing of when this vision will occur, I believe that it is a timely word in preparation for the United States election on November 3rd and its effects afterward.
If you were told that you had a week until a hurricane was heading your way, what would you do? You would diligently prepare. Your preparations would consist of extra water, foods, a medical kit, and tools. While this vision may not be speaking of getting ready in the natural, it is of utmost importance that you ‘prepare’ in the spiritual. NOW is the time to get into your Word. NOW is the moment to pray, fast, and get rid of distractions that can so easily entangle. Remember, the Lord is inviting you to participate in what He wants to do in this world, so your prayers are necessary! Be the change God wants to see as the people of God rising up for His Kingdom.
In this vision, the roots were deep enough to wrap around the two rocks. My concern is that those who have shallow roots will fall when the storm comes because they did not have the roots deep enough to cling to the Rock – the Rock of Salvation. (2 Samuel 22:2-3)
This is a call for those who have been satisfied with the status quo of their walk with God for far too long. If you have been apathetic towards living a Spirit-filled life and lazy in spiritual disciplines, I pray that you will be awakened from these words! The ONLY way to grow deeper roots is to live your lives in Him. Scripture says, “Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.” (Colossians 1:6-7 NASB).
Let your roots, “grow down into Him” (Colossians 1:6 NLT) so you do not have to give into fear, “when the heat comes” (Jeremiah 17:7). When persecution arises – such as standing up for your faith – you will have the root to sustain, unlike the seed thrown among the rocks, which have no root (Mark 4:16-17). Whatever way the storms are raging, you can have peace because Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33) because you are firmly planted and rooted in Him.
My goal was to communicate what the Lord put on my heart and to share it faithfully. The next part is up to you. I’d encourage you to bring this vision and what I wrote regarding it to the Lord so that He can speak to you regarding it. My purpose is not to make you do anything, but to be obedient in pointing to Christ. However He wants you to prepare during this time — it is up to you. Simply dismissing the vision will hinder what the Holy Spirit wants to do within you while you wait on the Lord this season. There’s no better time than now to intercede for our nation, seek the Lord’s face for our loved ones, and uphold God’s will.
If you feel overcome by the world’s chaos and embittered by the divisiveness, give it to the Lord! The enemy wants to use your feelings to fuel anger and be blinded by an agenda contrary to God’s plan. Trust in Him and rely on your security to come from the Good News, not the evening news. “Perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18), so do not let fear seize your hearts and guide your decision-making process. Perfect love is the agape love of God, so let your roots grow deep into Him – for those roots to stretched down in the hidden places, so sin does not wither your root. To drink from the spiritual Rock of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4) so you will stand when the storm comes. Make ready! May the Lord speak to you in the secret place as you spend quality, enriching time nourishing your soul.
Have a blessed week!
[1] For biblical examples of people represented as trees, read Daniel 4, Psalm 1, or Matthew 7:15-20 to name a few.
Exactly. Thank you for sharing. It takes courage to obey the Lord. Remain faithful. Remain vigilant. Stand.
Thank you Terri! Yes it does take courage to share & hoping the Holy Spirit speaks to each person who reads it.
Excellent word…. Stay steady… As darkness continues to increase… those who know their God will do great exploits And they will shine as bright as the stars.
I am so proud of you. You were born for such a time as this.
As we walk as “children of light” (Ephesians 5:8), may those who are still stumbling in the dark see the radiance of Christ through us & know Him.
Thank you for your kind words Patti!
On August 12th God gave me a picture of an atomic bomb being dropped in the near future and an aerial view of the explosion. The interpretation that I was left with was after or during what you refer to as “the storm”, Christ followers must unleash the “atomic bomb” (Holy Spirit) to the nation. Those that have previously been sheepish or reserved need to step up and act in the Spirit. All believers need to be awake and ready for this day. Anyways, I feel like the Holy Spirit is going to play a vital part in this “storm” and all believers need to be prepared and ready to receive instruction from the Spirit on when to drop.
So good Haley!
I fully believe that this time is training ground for Christ followers, especially the sheepish ones, to stand firm on the Rock of Christ. In that way, the people of God can usher in the wave of the Spirit to see hearts the unregenerate renewed & the Body of Christ revived like never before. May it ‘hit’ like that atomic bomb you saw- suddenly, powerfully, & expand beyond what we could expect in our own minds. Thank you for sharing
Amen, thank you for this important message as we are going through this shaking. As we prepare and stand firm on the Rock we must listen to know how each individual must prepare to withstand the strong holds the world has places on us that try to hold us down. It is time to break the change of bondage and sink our roots deep to grasp on to the Lord’s word.
I agree Toni, we all must do our part to spiritually prepare in whatever way that looks like for each of us. Being compassionate for one another & to come alongside to help in this time can be a source of strengthening in the Body of Christ. May the Lord reveal & break off anything that we are clinging to other than Scriptures.
Thank you for sharing. It gave me much to ponder and reflect on. I need to trust more and worry less. Your words were comforting because the world is in such chaos and prayer and trust in Christ is the answer.
Thank you for sending me this pastor!
It’s amazing to because Natasha told me of a stormy dream she and I were in and how we were taking shelter and looking for direction from weathervanes 

Wow! I’ll have to hear more about the dream
This is such a great reminder for me to check where my roots are anchored, is it on God’s word or the world. It also reminded me to be intentional with my walk with God. Thank you Pastor for this message. God bless!!
I’m happy the blog spoke to you Pia. God bless!