
In my prayer time with the Lord this week, I had a vision. The vision was this: I saw a huge tree that was encircled by pavement. It was clear that this tree could not grow any bigger and it had been that way for quite some time. Without warning, there was a powerful earthquake that shook the tree to its core. The shaking was so powerful that it ripped open the pavement, now exposing the dirt underneath. Although the quaking exposed the asphalt, the tree remained sturdy. However, the shaking did release the nuts that were hanging on the tree. The nuts cracked open as they hit the ground and the seed was now planted in the freshly exposed dirt.

As I took time to pray through this and think it over, I realized that this vision is a word given to the Body of Christ in this season that we are facing. In looking back at 2020 so far, much has taken place… and it’s only been half a year! We’ve seen unrest in its various forms – From dealing with matters of injustice and racism, to a tumultuous political climate that is escalating. COVID-19 brought with it vast changes in how humanity lives life by way of social distancing with lessened face to face interaction. Through all this, each person has had to learn how to cope with uncertainty and navigate through uncharted waters.

Of course, there’s more that you can personally add to this list – how this year has affected you.  However, there is one thing that is in common with all that has taken place up until now and in keeping with my vision:  

What is shaken WILL be shaken.

In other words, the shaking is needed to unearth that what is unproductive, ungodly and worldly. The difficulties you are going through IS the shaking… what is being unearthed right around you? I believe that the comforts, the lack of zeal, the hardening of hearts is all part of that pavement being broken up in the Name of Jesus. The asphalt only covers the dirt and restricts the tree for growth. But the Lord is using this time to break off any idols you may have and hold dear that has been restricting you from growing in the Lord.

Be careful that you do not refuse to listen to the One who is speaking. For if the people of Israel did not escape when they refused to listen to Moses, the earthly messenger, we will certainly not escape if we reject the One who speaks to us from heaven! When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise: “Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also.”[k] 27 This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. – Hebrews 12:25-28

That’s what is unshakable – the tree in my vision – it remained intact through it all. What is unshakable is that which TRULY matters – the focus of who God is and what His Kingdom is all about. It’s not about focusing on what has been changed and lost, for those things could have been getting in the way of your relationship with God. Although this can be so difficult to see when chaos ensues, we cannot focus on that what is being shaken but to keep our eyes on the One who is our foundation.

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” – Psalm 62:1-2

My core identity will not be shaken for I am in Christ. Although the world looks like it is falling apart, I choose to yield to the Holy Spirit, in what He has for me in this season. Lord, let what needs to be shaken in my life IF IT IS NOT OF YOU. Rid me of that which is closing me off from more of Your presence, love, and truth. Reveal and expose that which I cling to more than You so it can be uprooted and removed, in the Name of Jesus.

The purpose of the vision is this: the shaking is necessary – to remove that what hinders us from God so He can plant what is new in our lives. This time presents a unique opportunity like never before! As we strip away the flesh and that which blocks us from Him, new opportunities for growth can take place. Think of the possibilities of what the Lord could to do in, and through, you right now!

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)

We yield to the Holy Spirit for the ‘new’ that He wants to do in you. It could be an opportunity that you’ve been waiting for. It might be a deeper degree of trust in an area that you’ve been afraid to let go. Perhaps it’s a lesson that the Lord wants you to learn that will result in bearing much fruit as it will eventually become a tree itself.

I ask that you take this time to ask the Holy Spirit a few questions:

·      What is hindering my growth in You that You want to remove?

·      What is the new work (the seed) that you are doing in me?

·      How can I yield to You in this new work to make sure it grows?

Thankfully, the Lord loves us too much to allow us to stay the same! He’s in the business of allowing the shaking to come to bring about His glory for the Kingdom of God. I pray that this vision encourages you and inspires you to draw deeper into the Lord’s presence. Also, please let me know of any prayer requests you might have as well.

Have a blessed week! 


  1. Great message for a time such as this. It is very inspiring to hear, to know that the shacking is necessary for our growth, to discard the things that no longer serve us and to seek a strong foundation in Christ. As you mention go deeper, I think of the roots of the tree that nourish the body, that search for living water and keep us grounded. As God wills, the fruits of our labor will be abundant. We will know a tree by its fruit and our fruit is the fruit of the Holy Spirit which is truly a gift from God.

    • Yes Toni! Typically we might be fearful of the shaking because it breaks us out of our routine & to pay attention to areas of our lives that we might have taken for granted. Like you mentioned, there would not be the opportunity for growth without the shaking because God is doing something new.

  2. 100% truth. So very much appreciate your voice of truth in a world filled with deception. You are exactly right. This is what the Lord doing during this current season. Sharing your message. Take care and you be encouraged!

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