It’s that time again…
To take up my post in the middle of the night.
My body is weary, wanting more sleep.
My mind wanders, debating whether I should get up.
I have to. I need to.
I must stand watch.
Night after night, I look out in the distance,
All I see is the darkness staring back at me.
The thoughts in my mind echo loudly,
As the silence around me is deafening.
To wait unexpectedly brings impatience and sorrow,
Wondering how long this will take.
As I arise each night,
I remember the reason I take my post:
I am on the lookout for what is to come.
I remain steadfast in my position to hear the answer.
Otherwise, I would be content with my comforts,
Oh, how tempting that would be!
Yet, I would not be here… searching and longing.
I look out again,
Alas, the same as before… nothing.
I think back to why I am in this position,
It can be easy to think I have done something wrong,
Or I missed it,
This cannot be the case.
Believing these thoughts would be consuming a lie.
There’s a reason I need to take up my post each night,
I do not have the complete picture in front of me.
There is a purpose to the delay,
I have to trust in what I cannot see,
For all I can perceive is darkness around me.
Yet I wait, and I station myself at the watchtower,
Knowing full well that I take my stand in faith.
A time will come when I look out in the distance –
In the midst of the blackness of the midnight sky,
A messenger will be coming from afar.
That is why I must stand watch and wait,
The answer will surely arrive.
Although it may linger beyond my liking,
It will not delay.
I will see what revelation He will give to me.
Therefore, I stand again on this night,
Standing guard at my post on the watchtower.
Inspired by Habakkuk 2:1-3
Have a blessed week!
God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see. He will make a way for me. Praying for you and Valerie. Always, Margie
God will make a way Margie. Continue to trust in the Lord and rely on Him daily. Watch and see what He will do!
What a wonderful picture of persevering faith and expectation! It speaks to me of a complete dependance on God and yet the waiting is divinely appointed. A painful waiting, a wrestling with thoughts and emotions. Yet, there is overcoming victory that pushes through. I love these words, “Although it may linger beyond my liking, it will not delay. I will see what revelation He will give to me..Therefore I will stand again on this night.”
That’s unshakable faith! And “He rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11: 6b
Thank you Nathan! I really enjoy your writing!
God will bless!
Thank you Rose! Our faith grows when when it is challenged – especially in the waiting – as it goes beyond the timetable established in our own minds. I have found that waiting can produce Christlike character if we allow the Holy Spirit to shape us in the midst of our stuggles, emotions, and prayers. It’s part of the refining nature God wants to do in a& through us. Although it can hurt, it is needed to reflect more of Christ! I appreciate your feedback
Reminds me of a soldier on watch in a combat zone. Exactly. Consequences are the same if you fall asleep.
Good one Pastor
That’s great Phil! I was going for that impression in the first placed. I am delighted that you are able to visualize the scenario when you read it.
There’s always a reason for everything, every delay, every setback.. We have to always be intentional in going back, and standing on God’s words, His promises, and most especially, Who God is.. Our loving, and faithful Father. If not, we will be devoured by the lies of this world.
Thank you Ptr. for this message. God bless always!!
Hi Pia,
Yes, standing firm on the promises of God, despite the delay. That’s the truth. Thank you for sharing!