Get Out Of The Boat

Do you have a word that you try not to use? For myself, it is the word ‘hate’. Since the word has a strong connotation with negativity and potential divisiveness, I try not to use it in my everyday language. I would instead substitute it for ‘dislike’ or ‘loathe’ (I’d have to feel quite intense to use this!). Yet in the few instances I use the word, I mean it with all sincerity to describe how much I utterly cannot stand what it is I am talking about. Let me describe what I mean…

I hate fear.

I hate fear because fear stops us from living a surrendered life of faith. Fear paralyzes us from making godly decisions. Fear is the enemy’s primary tool for holding us captive from unrealized potential and possibilities that only come from God.

How do you relinquish the force of fear and live a life of faith?

There’s a story in Matthew 14:22-36 where Jesus makes his disciples get in a fishing boat to go so He could spend time alone praying. It just so happened that strong winds had made the waves rough, and the disciples were alone in the boat 3-4 miles from the shore (John 6:19). In the middle of the night, Jesus walked on water to reach them. As soon as they saw him, they cried out in fear, thinking it was a ghost! But Jesus said, “Take courage, it is I. Do not be afraid” (Matthew 14:27).

It was incredible enough to see Jesus walk on water, but what is even more astounding is what takes place next:

“And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”

He said, “Come.”

I’m not sure what motivated Peter to ask such a bold statement. Perhaps he thought it would be fun to try it out; who knows? What we do know is that Jesus said YES. He agreed to Peter’s outrageous request!

Peter does, in fact, go out into the sea and take steps on the water. Once he notices the winds, he immediately became afraid, and that was when he started to sink. Thankfully, Jesus was there to pick him up and catch him. Jesus then told Peter, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Fear got the best of Peter since it was faith in Jesus that held him up. Fear and faith cannot occupy the same space; Peter’s eyes were distracted from Jesus, so he sank along with his faith.

We can point the finger at Peter and talk about how he failed. Yet, I’m afraid I entirely have to disagree with that assessment. Instead, I give the utmost applause for Peter. You know why?

At least he got out of the boat.

You might have forgotten at this point that there were other disciples with him. They didn’t do or say anything. Peter might have had a little faith, but the disciples had none. Jesus said, “come” to Peter, but there was no encouragement for the other disciples to walk out in their faith.

The truth is, we all have our ‘boat’ that we sit in. The boat is our comfort space. It’s what we know and what makes us feel safe. We like it and don’t want anyone to ‘rock the boat.’

I know the primary way to grow in our relationship with God is to get out of the boat. Stepping out is the place where we abandon our sense of security and place our trust solely in Jesus.

What is keeping you from stepping out of your boat?

  • Is it to take action on a project that you’ve been mulling over for some time now?
  • Is it to stand up for yourself and not give into the fear of rejection?
  • Is it to say ‘yes’ completely to God and no more holding back?

Whatever it can be, it all starts with a single step.

Don’t wait for the fear to be gone – were not the winds still blowing and the waves crashing as Jesus told Peter to come? Jesus is calling you to take steps of faith in the midst of the fear. That is why Jesus said, “don’t be afraid.” In the middle of the storm – when the winds of distractions and doubt rage, you can walk if your eyes are fixed on Jesus.

“Perfect love cast out fear” (1 John 4:18). Jesus – the nature and model of unconditional love, will grant you victory over the fear as you walk towards Him. Faith in Him is greater than fear since Jesus is perfect love.

What steps is Jesus calling you to walk toward’s Him? I pray that you walk boldly in your present circumstances and as you make the decision to get out of the boat and trust Jesus fully.


  1. Thank you for this great message! I had a hard situation to handle and I am encouraged that I did get out of the boat! It’s not done, but God was with me!

  2. I believe that most people would never get out of the boat. This is not about overcoming a personal conflict in 2019 but about life and death. Who can look the grim reaper in the eye and have so much faith they don’t blink.
    BUT you can begin the process by asking God to lay some courage and faith on you. There are some people at our church who I know would do a half gainer out of the boat, but they are few and far between. Myself, my faith is so weak I would be looking for a life jacket. But I am working on it.

    • Thanks for your thoughts Phil. I believe God calls each person to come out of the boat in a variety of ways… for some, that might be more difficult than what others might go through. Even still, all we need is a little faith – ‘the faith of a mustard seed’ (Matthew 17:20) for God to move in us & to move mountains for us. Don’t give up! That seed of faith will grow just as our faith will increase in God to do more extraordinary things in our lives.

      • Thank you very much Pastor. I can tell the Spirit truly resides in you. I believe one of the Spiritual gifts you have is the ability to communicate to others at all levels about anything. It is a gift you have that allows you to speak to anyone about their life, why God should be in it, what God wants, and what he can do. I heard that you feed the hungry also. I am extremely happy (joyful) that you came to our church. I know there many who feel the same way.

        • Thank you very much for your thoughtful & encouraging words Phil! It brings me incredible joy knowing that Holy Spirit could use me to communicate the heart of God to bless others & encourage them in the faith. I am grateful for your words as it motivates me to continue writing. ✍️ 😊

  3. Thank you for this message, Pastor Nate. It’s always good to be reminded that fear and faith cannot co-exist. One has to go and, for the Christ follower, that has to be fear.

    You’re a blessing.

    • Thank you Cassandra. Yes, fear must leave when we choose faith! We need to be reminded daily of who Christ is and how He is greater than the circumstances that we face. Blessings to you!

  4. Nathan, This is the verse I recite when I am afraid or feel defeated.

    Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
    I will joy in the God of my salvation.

    The Lord God is my strength;
    He will make my feet like deer’s feet,
    And He will make me walk on my high hills.
    Habakkuk 3:18-19

    • Thank you for sharing this encouraging verse Linda! It’s crucial to saturate ourselves with the Word when we are afraid so we can renew our strength through Christ. “I will rejoice in the Lord!”

  5. Amen! Thank you for sharing! In a different passage of scripture (different story) we find Jesus asleep in the boat as a storm was raging. Sometimes in the storms of life we may feel like Jesus is asleep in the midst of what we are facing. But the truth is, in those situations, that He trusts us to get to the other side. He has trained our hands for war and prepared us to meet the challenge set before us and to come out on the other side victorious. He trusts us. Let that sink in. Whatever you are facing, it is going to be okay. Someone needed to hear this.

  6. You’re welcome! Jesus WILL get us to the other side, whatever we are facing! I wrote about that awhile back, I might have to revisit it. Thank you for the reminder Terri.

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